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Beauty Deals: Investment + M&A Transactions Q2 2024

Published August 5, 2024
Published August 5, 2024

After a very strong start to 2024, beauty investment and M&A activity hit a bit of a rough patch in the second quarter. Deal activity was down 23.5% during the second quarter versus the same period last year, with the BeautyMatter Deal Index tracking only 52 deals. For the first half of the year, deal activity is down 5.6%. The Index also tracked another seven brand shutdowns, bringing the total shutdowns in the first half of 2024 to 14. The most notable development observed during Q2 was the steep decline of growth deals (including venture-backed deals and minority investments). The Index tracked a mere 16 growth deals during the quarter, the lowest number since we started tracking this data. To put those results in context, during the last 15 quarters, BeautyMatter tracked an average of 44 growth deals per quarter. In 2023, the average was 32 growth deals per quarter.

Purchase the 130-page report that covers deals across the beauty and wellness value chain.
Beauty Deals: Investment + M&A Transactions Q2 2024

“BeautyMatter is the only one that provides full insight, not just the hard data or the numbers, but also the intelligence of understanding what the numbers mean for companies and the market. I think that is a super valuable source for the investors, for the founders, for the strategists who are trying to buy brands, to understand what it's really like, what's going to be the next thing.”
-Jorge Cosano
Founder & Managing Partner, Synchronicity Ventures

Investors: If you’re an active or interested investor in the beauty and wellness space, this report is a must-read. The detailed analysis and insight provided will help guide you toward fruitful investment decisions.

Brands and Retailers: If you are in fundraising mode or contemplating an exit and looking for a list of investors active in the space, we’ve also got you covered.

You will have access to:

  • 101 pages covering deals across the beauty and wellness value chain
  • BeautyMatter Q2 Index
  • Easy-to-reference charts including 52 transactions, organized by category with high-level details and financial players involved
  • Overview on the state of the industry for the quarter from BeautyMatter
  • SEO trend report from machine intelligence platform, Spate
  • Analysis of EMV on key deals from Dash Hudson
  • Deal flow chart - who invested in what in Q2 with live links
  • Recaps and details of 52 individual transactions
  • List of angel investors active in Q2
  • List of private equity and venture capital firms active in Q2 with live links

For a competitive edge, follow the money.

Purchase the report now.